Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Swiss swirl ice cream cake - July Daring Baker's Challenge

The daring Baker's Challenge "Swiss swirl ice cream cake" for July 2010 was rolled out by Sunita of Sunita's world life and food. Not only did we have to make swiss roll, two different flavors of ice creams and a chocolate fudge sauce were experimented in my little kitchen for the first time. Without doubt, this was the most time consuming challenge that I have done so far. Perhaps as I didn't have an ice cream maker but it was well worth the effort.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Italian Love Cake

This was my first baking exploration and I always associate this with hunting the grocery store for cool whip cream, instant pudding mix, ricotta cheese and measuring cups. The path was quite irresistible especially after tasting a piece of it at an annual senior graduation party and an interesting name!